The “Cookbook” Is Here!

Alice Boll
Alice Boll


It’s time to celebrate, so get out the party hats, horns, and whizzbangsnozzers! Yahoo!

The first-ever ScrapHappy collaborative idea book, “Your Story Matters,” is ready for download, perusal and enjoyment! With 53 pages, tons of great ideas, and lots and lots of love, this ebook is sure to be a treasured community keepsake. 🙂 Just click on the cover below to download your copy!

 Now, what happens next?

1. If you contributed, you can now call yourself a published scrapbooker! Congratulations! 🙂

2. All new ScrapHappy members will receive this ebook as a welcome gift when they join our family.

3. I’m investigating the possibility of making this available for print copies. More info on that soon!

4. This was so fun, we’ll do it again next year!

THANK YOU to all of our contributors, as well as to Dani for coordinating the project. I absolutely couldn’t be happier — or prouder  — and you should be, too!

PS Party hat image is courtesy of …love Meagan on Flickr.

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