Dear family,
It is with a very heavy heart that I write to let you know that we have lost a member of the ScrapHappy family.
Alison Charlton, aka “AlisonC” on ScrapHappy and “Scrapmother” on Flickr, passed away from pancreatic cancer this past July. She was 55, and leaves behind a loving family, including us here at SH.
Alison loved scrapbooking and always shared her enthusiasm here at SH as she’d talk about how many more “sleeps” there were before LOAD. She had an infectious sense of humor, and it is easy to see through her scrapbook layouts that she adored life and adored her family — and she adored us, as well.
My regret is that no one here knew how serious her illness was, and we were not able to support her. But maybe having a place to go where her illness was not the focus, was what she needed.
Alison was a loyal SH family member, and at the time of her death, her membership was paid up through June 2015. I will be taking the credit for her membership and donating it to the Aasha Foundation for Girls on behalf of ScrapHappy in her name.
Alison will be missed by all of us, and of course, by her family. But we can sleep a little sounder, knowing that we have a ScrapHappy angel watching over us.
P.S. Thank you to Connie Hanks for letting me know about Alison’s passing. If any of you know of any of our members who need help, a shoulder, or a prayer or a smile, please please let Dani or me know. We are here for all of you.