If you’re looking for a way to speed up your scrapbooking and create a layout you love starting with a sketch can be the perfect solution!
Sometimes taking a sketch and turning it into a layout can be a bit tricky. You need to consider how the sketch can be interpreted to fit your photos, supplies and story.
For January the ScrapHappy members used this sketch:
It’s nice to see an example of how the sketch will look as a layout, but what’s even better is seeing 7 examples of how the sketch can be turned into a layout!

Alice used the sketch as it was.

Monica created a digital layout using the .psd file available exclusively for ScrapHappy members. Sketches are easily adapted to different sizes or media formats.

Teresa added her journaling using a typewriter on a tag.

Kelly updated the sketch by using two photos instead of one.

Diane flipped some parts of this design sideways!

Cathy used two photos and didn’t feature a big title, instead adding a quote.

Katrina gave herself extra space for journaling by shifting her main photo to the left.
Hopefully these 7 examples show how easy it can be to adjust a sketch to fit your photos, supplies and story!
If you’d like more information about ScrapHappy membership you can find that HERE. We have monthly sketch challenges and so many more activities to get you scrapbooking and telling your stories.
Happy scrapping!