Choose Your Prompt (or do both):
Featured Designer:
Our featured designer today is Nikki Kann.
Sketch Nikki used:
Prize Alert!
Here’s a peek at what’s in the Grand Prize!
The link to the Finisher’s prize form will be in your email tomorrow. (It will also be on the Master Page.) You must have completed a layout EVERY day, and UPLOADED it to the Flickr group on time, to qualify for a Finisher’s prize and a chance at the Grand Prize.
DEADLINE: March 8 is the deadline to fill out the Finisher’s Prize form and to leave comments on the random day prizes (use the correct Prize Alert thread in the Flickr discussions). Please refrain from double posting. Thanks!
Be sure to join in on the fun at the March Happy Hour on the 15th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. Link will be in email and on the Master Page.
Be sure to LOAD up your layout to the Flickr gallery by midnight Pacific time. Leave some love on the layouts in the gallery and if you’re sharing your layouts on social media use the hashtags #load219 or #layoutaday or #scraphappyfamily
Happy scrapping!