Day 7

Day 7: Turner and Hooch: 1989 A detective must adopt the dog of a dead man to help him find the murderer. The dog is a Dogue de Bordeaux a large French mastiff. In the film the dog eats everything, including the seats in the detective’s car.
Story: Share a funny pet story. If you don’t have a pet story… then tell a story of something you’ve eaten/cooked that wasn’t so good.
Technique: Do something that is messy, like a splatter, in honor of Hooch the drooly dog.
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Claire Cummings
I loved the movie ‘Turner and Hooch’ but would NOT like a sloppy dog like Hooch! Having said that, as soon as I read the prompt, I thought of all the soggy tennis balls I have thrown both for our first little dog, Ollie (the opposite of Hooch) and our second dog, Tiggy. Both have crossed the rainbow bridge, so it is lovely to record this funny memory.
I made the tennis balls out of felt and dimensional fabric paint for the lines. I had the BRILLIANT idea (!) of using Dimensional Magic for the foamy saliva on the balls but sadly, it just kept sinking in. I had to wait for them to dry before I could get a slight sheen on them 😊 So I threw some dimensional magic on the page to replicate saliva drops …
The background paper is Basic Grey and really didn’t need much on it, in my opinion.
I am the queen of using old supplies lately – most of the items on this page are over 5 years old!

Be sure to upload your layout to Flickr by midnight Pacific time. If you’re also sharing on social media you can use the hashtags: #load1019 #scraphappyfamily #layoutaday