Day 8

Day 8: A League of Their Own: 1992
Two sisters join the first female professional baseball league and struggle to help it succeed amidst their own growing rivalry. Tom Hanks plays their coach Jimmy Dugan. During one of his famous outbursts he yells, “There’s no crying in baseball!”
Story: What’s a catchphrase that has come out of your life?
Technique: Use a diamond on your layout!
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Rita Tong
I asked my family what catchphrases we have, but we couldn’t come up with any (although I’m sure we probably do have some). However, my work colleague reminded me of a fun catchphrase we have on the office. It is probably the first time I have taken a photo deliberately to tell a particularly story, but it’s a good memory to capture about an aspect of my worklife that I might not have otherwise documented.

Be sure to upload your layout to Flickr by midnight Pacific time.
If you’re also sharing on social media you can use the hashtags: #load1019 #scraphappyfamily #layoutaday