Day 9

Day 9: Philadelphia: 1993 It’s hard to remember but prior to Philadelphia Tom Hanks was considered a comedy actor. When he won an academy award for his role as a man with HIV who is seeks legal redress when he is wrongfully dismissed from his law firm, it was a turning point in his career.
Story: A watershed moment is a dividing point, from which things will never be the same. Tell a story about a watershed moment.
Technique: Make a page with a dividing line.
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Alice Boll
I created a layout about a divisive decision. I decided to go to France to spend time with my cousin, and my husband didn’t want to go. I took my boys and we had a great time. Then, on one of the last days of our trip my husband showed up and surprised us all.
(Papers: Shimelle Go Now Go)

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