Day 14

Day 14: Apollo 13: 1995 Houston We Have a Problem: Apollo 13 Houston we have a problem! One of the problems faced by the Apollo 13 crew was to make the carbon dioxide scrubber from the command module fit into the lunar module. Unfortunately the filters for the command module were square, and the lunar module had round filters. They literally had to find a way to make a square peg fit in a round hole in order to breathe!
Story: Have you had a problem that required an ingenious solution? How did you make the square peg fit into the round hole?
Technique: A lot of things went wrong on the Apollo 13 mission. Make (or keep) a mistake on your layout! Correct it only if required.
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Dee Pankiw
The first page has the journaling about how we muddled though the cake baking. The second page has the literal square in a round hole. Of course I flubbed up on that second page – and not on purpose. I wanted to slit through the Pinkfresh paper to pop the leaves over the photo mat. When I tucked the mat in, the patterned paper tore in a couple of places. Oh well! We know what stickers and flowers are for!

Be sure to upload your layout to Flickr by midnight Pacific time.
If you’re also sharing on social media you can use the hashtags: #load1019 #scraphappyfamily #layoutaday