Day 15

Day 15: That Thing You Do: 1996 That Thing You Do! is a film about a fictional band that had one successful song. The band became a one hit Wonder… as Wonder was the name of the band.
Story: What is your favorite one hit wonder? Scrap about that thing you did one time and really loved.
Technique: Use the movie poster as inspiration on your layout.
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Monica Moriak
It took me a while to decide what to scrap. I love music but couldn’t tell you if a some was a hit or not or much about any groups. Thinking about activities, I enjoy or have tried, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do again or haven’t done multiple times. Then I remembered rock climbing with my family years ago. It was quite challenging and I enjoyed it but gamy happy to put that in the “done that” column.
For the design I started with the movie poster and decided to use the colors since they were similar to the colors on the wall and really liked the title work. I added photos as well as the title on angles to mimic the poster and reinforce the playful nature of the photos.
Journaling reads:
My first time rock climbing. It was a lot more difficult than it looked at first, especially some of the walls. The kids made it look easy. Not sure that I will do this again, but I am so glad that I did it. It is always fun to challenge myself and try new things.

Be sure to upload your layout to Flickr by midnight Pacific time.
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