Movie Night October 2019

Alice Boll
Alice Boll

The October ScrapHappy Movie Night was held October 15, 2019.

We watched 3 videos, including one on IGTV.

If you have an idea for a topic for Movie Night be sure to let Alice know by emailing [email protected]

Full Replay

The Full Videos

The first video we watched was from Heidi Swapp’s IGTV. You can find it HERE.

 The next was from SpiegelMom Scraps and showed some fun ways to include sequins on your layout. 

The final one was from Sara Scraps. I wanted to introduce you to her as Sara will be our guest instructor for ScrapSmarter this month! That live session is October 23 at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern. The session is called Getting the Most Out of  Cut Files.

Don’t forget if you’re doing a bit of scrappy shopping you can use my affiliate link for which helps to support our ScrapHappy group with no additional costs to you.

Happy scrapping! 


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