Day 18

Day 18: Cast Away: 2000 Cast Away depicts a FedEx employee marooned on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific and his attempts to survive on the island using remnants of his plane’s cargo.
Story: Tom Hanks became friends with his volleyball “Wilson” while stranded alone on the island. Wilson became his confidant and even a source of advice. Scrap about someone you confide in, or consult for advice. Do you have a piece of wisdom to share?
Technique: You’re on the deserted island of scrapbooking supplies. You can only use a handful of basic items. Get creative and make a fabulous layout.
Featured Layout:
Our featured designer is:
Dietra Kessel, Dee Kay
When I received this prompt, I new exactly what advice I was going to scrapbook about. I wanted to challenge myself to use a limited amount of items. As I thought about the size and design I wanted my page to be, I thought that I would tidy up my desk and that is when it hit me, I will only us items that are left over on my island, aka my desk.
Be sure to upload your layout to Flickr by midnight Pacific time.
If you’re also sharing on social media you can use the hashtags: #load1019 #scraphappyfamily #layoutaday