Movie Night November 2019

Alice Boll
Alice Boll

The November ScrapHappy Movie Night was held November 5, 2019.

We watched 2 videos and Alice experimented with a new tool, the Foil Quill Freestyle. If you’re considering adding one of these tools to your scrappy tool stash you can find them on by clicking this link. (affiliate link)

You’ll notice that there are a few edits in this replay, we had some tech difficulties. Those sections are edited out to make the replay easier to watch!

If you have an idea for a topic for Movie Night be sure to let Alice know by emailing [email protected]

Full Replay

The Full Videos

The first video was showcasing the Foil Quill Freestyle pen from We R Memory Keepers. Alice followed this with a short demo as she just received one from Dietra. 

The next was from  Paige Evans where she showed how to create a small mini album that would be a perfect Christmas gift project.

Don’t forget if you’re doing a bit of scrappy shopping you can use my affiliate link for which helps to support our ScrapHappy group with no additional costs to you.

Happy scrapping! 

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