Choose Your Prompt (or do both):

Featured Designer:
Our first featured designer today is Jeanette McGee.

Our next featured designer today is Gwen Dapper.

Prize Alert!

Please check the MASTER PAGE to see all of the prize winners this month!
If you’re on the list fill out the PRIZE CLAIM FORM!
Colin Creevey Award
If you posted 5 comments EVERY SINGLE DAY this month you can enter to win the Colin Creevey award!
10GB of Forever Storage!!!! Value $199
Thank you so much to Karen Fitting for sponsoring the Colin Creevey award! Find out what Forever can do for you here: FOREVER with KAREN FITTING
Fill out the COLIN CREEVEY FORM on the MASTER PAGE to be entered.
Winner to be drawn during Happy Hour on March 17. All LOAD220 participants are welcome to attend!
Finisher's Prizes and Grand Prize
If you’ve completed a layout EVERY DAY this month AND UPLOADED it to the gallery on time each day you qualify to receive a Finisher’s Prize. Fill out the Finisher’s Prize form on the MASTER PAGE.
ALL Finisher’s will receive a small prize… a token of merit for completion of the challenge! Prize to be revealed during Happy Hour.
All Finisher’s will be entered to win the Grand Prize. Prize will be awarded during the March Happy Hour, March 17. All Loadsters are welcome to attend.

Upload your layout to the LOAD220 Gallery by midnight Pacific time. Leave some love on some of the layouts that you see there. Happy scrapping!
Thank you so much for joining us for LOAD! If you’re ready to join in on the fun of our ScrapHappy family please use the special link under the Members Only tab!
Join SH- Special Offer LOADSTERS
You’ll be able to join us for the membership renewal rate of only $99/year!