#11. Scrapping Reflections: Sandie Reverski
Sandie has launched a brand new scrapbooking business and she’s here to tell us about it and share some great tips for scrapbooking too!
Sandie’s YouTube channel: Steak Goddess
Scrapping Reflections: Website
Prompt: Use a screenshot!
TIP: Use products you love.
Layouts Shared:

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Alice Boll:
Welcome to the ScrapHappier Podcast, where we share quick tips, tricks, and techniques to help you create scrapbooks you love, and be happier while doing it. I’m your host, Alice Boll.
Alice Boll:
Welcome to today’s episode. And I’m so glad that you’ve joined me for today because we have a special guest. Sandie Reverski is here and she has a new company that’s related to scrapbooking or it’s all about scrapbooking. And I am so excited to introduce you to Sandie. Welcome, Sandie, to the ScrapHappier Podcast.
Sandie Reverski:
Thanks so much for having me, Alice.
Alice Boll:
Well, I’m excited because I got to meet you in person, a couple of times now at Creativation, one of the most fun places ever. And then this year I found out that you started this brand new business, and I was so pumped because the scrapbooking world is always better when we have fun supplies.
Alice Boll:
So before we dive into that and you tell us all about that, can you give us a little 411, what’s the information? How did you get into scrapbooking? How long have you been doing it? What do you love the most? Just tell us a little bit about yourself.
Sandie Reverski:
For sure. I started scrapbooking when I was 16 years old, which seems like such a long time ago now. My best friend at the time was moving to Germany with her family, and I wanted to make her a little book of memories. So I made her this book. I went to AC Moore and I just bought a whole bunch of stuff and made her this book, and I just loved it so much. When I gave it to her, she cried and she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. And I wanted to have that feeling all the time. I wanted to have that great, happy feeling in my heart, where we looked back at memories together. And I figured if I can do that for one friend, I can do that for my life too.
Alice Boll:
Oh my goodness, that is so wonderful. I can’t believe you started when you were 16. I wish could say that. I did different things, but I didn’t technically scrapbook yet when I was 16. It came not long after, but that’s pretty great.
Alice Boll:
So would you say that that reason for you is still the same? Is that still why you scrapbook?
Sandie Reverski:
I definitely scrapbook to have those memories and to look back. I keep all of our albums chronologically. So it’s kind of like yearbooks of our lives. A lot of the times our family will go, “When did we go on that trip?” And we’ll go back to the scrapbooks and we’ll say, “Oh, that was 2007.” So it’s kind of like just having all the memories right there for us.
Alice Boll:
So do you actually scrapbook every memory in order? So this is a little tangent. I know you’re just introducing yourself, but I’m so intrigued because so many scrapbookers aren’t doing chronological scrapbooking. Do you just scrapbook whatever you want and file them chronologically or do you actually scrapbook the memories in order?
Sandie Reverski:
I used to, very rigidly, scrapbook chronologically. If the photos were next in date order, those were the ones I had to do. But then I discovered that I was giving myself too many rules with scrapbooking. And I found that if I just did what I wanted to do, I was enjoying the process so much more. So right now I play. Currently, I’m scrapbooking 2019 and 2020, so I’m playing within the years. I’m not spanning 10 years here, but just a couple years. That’s what makes me happy.
Alice Boll:
That’s fun. And so do you have inspiration that takes you in a certain way? What inspires you to create a certain layout?
Sandie Reverski:
Sometimes it’s because I have new products and I want to play with those. So I go find photos that’ll work. Sometimes I’m just really excited to scrapbook a certain memory, so I’ll pull those photos.
Alice Boll:
I think that’s fair, because there’s not just one answer that starts me. I used to be crushed under the pressure of chronological scrapbooking. And I was so relieved when I found the new way, a different way. Now, I miss some of the consistency that scrapbooking chronologically gives you. And so it’s finding that weird bridge that fulfills all the needs.
Alice Boll:
Do you have a certain topic that you scrapbook about the most? What would you say fills up a lot of your books?
Sandie Reverski:
I’m scrapbooking a lot more of just everyday life things right now. My kids are all grown now and I was finding that back when they were little, it was the big milestone moments, lots of birthdays, lots of first haircut, first time doing this. And then that they were older, it’s not that your kids do less cute things, but you’re not snapping photos of them every moment when they’re 16 and 17 years old. So it’s just those everyday things that are happening in our lives that I found that I’ve really, really concentrating on. And plus, I’m always up for Disney photos. I’m a couple of Disney trips behind, so Disney photos are where it’s at for me.
Alice Boll:
I saw when recently, that you had done with the Millennium Falcon. You visited the Star Wars land that’s not called star wars land or whatever, but I watched you create that page on your YouTube channel, which we will link up because it’s amazing. I was just fascinated, just watching you create. And it was so fun and I’m like, “Ooh, I have a passion for Disney.” And you’re right, everybody should love Star Wars a little bit.
Sandie Reverski:
Yeah, definitely just a little bit.
Alice Boll:
Speaking of topics that you do scrapbook about, are there things that you don’t scrapbook about?
Sandie Reverski:
I don’t really think there are things I don’t scrapbook about. If it’s happening in my life, I’m probably going to scrapbook about it. I’ve scrapbooked surgeries, I’ve scrapbooked death of loved ones, I even scrapbooked Disney trash cans. So I really feel like if it’s happening in my life, it’s probably going to be in an album eventually.
Alice Boll:
I think that that’s really funny that you scrapbook Disney trash cans, because they’re a thing aren’t they?
Sandie Reverski:
They really are, and people don’t realize it until they’ve seen me scrapbooking and then they look and they’re like, “Wow.” There’s Disney trash can ribbon, there’s sites that are dedicated to them. I’m like, “Yeah, guys, Disney trash cans are a thing.” And they’re a fun thing.
Alice Boll:
That’s totally a fun thing. When you’re scrapbooking, I happen to know that you dabble a little in mixed media, but is there a technique or something that you love to do when you’re scrapbooking, it just lights you up and makes you joyful?
Sandie Reverski:
I would say pushing things through stencils. It doesn’t matter if it’s paint, ink, modeling paste, anything I can push through a stencil and make something pretty on a background, that is what makes my heart flutter.
Alice Boll:
Well, I would say that having watched some of your videos, I can see that totally playing into action, that’s exactly what I see. And you have so much fun with it. And I think it’s the freedom you bring to that. You don’t get too fussy, and you just relax and let the medium happen. Do you have some kind of motto when it comes to getting creative?
Sandie Reverski:
I always say I’ll try something once. And if I like it, I’ll definitely do it again. My biggest thing is just try doing it, just play. When it comes down to it, it’s just paper. I know that paper holds very high regards in all of our hearts and we have the beautiful paper we don’t like to touch, but I mean, paper has what? Maybe a dollar a sheet. It’s not so expensive that if you screw something up, you can just go grab another piece of paper. I think I alluded to it before where I had lots of rules for myself for scrapbooking. And once I let go, and I’m just like, “Okay, we’re just going to play with this. I’m going to slap something down on a piece of paper and see what happens.” The joy of scrapbooking came back into my life. And I’ve really just tried to do that with whatever mixed media I’m trying. As long as I’m having fun, it’s a good day when I’m scrapbooking.
Alice Boll:
So let’s take a little stroll down memory lane, if you’ll indulge me, and talk about those rules of scrapbooking, because at one time, me and my ruler, we were a thing. We were an item and everything was measured and everything was placed exactly right, and I wasn’t having that much fun. So what kind of rules were you living by before in the world of scrapbooking?
Sandie Reverski:
Before, I used to think that you had to matte all of your photos on card stock, why in the world would you waste pattern paper or matting photos. That was one thing. And then everything, like you were saying, had to be measured out perfectly. If it wasn’t exactly a quarter of an inch all the way around, the page was ruined. You had to make sure that your papers matched the colors in your photos. You had to make sure that your title was big and interesting. All those things just stressed me out. And finally, I was like, “No. No more. This is supposed to be your fun thing. This is supposed to be your escape and just be able to do creative things.” And like I said, I love scrapbooking now. I’m scrapbooking every single day. It’s just such a joy now that I don’t worry about all those rules.
Alice Boll:
So you actually scrapbook every day. How do you accomplish that? You have a real job too, right?
Sandie Reverski:
I do have a real job. I am a retail manager, but I feel like you make time for the things that are important. I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore. And I catch up on YouTube while I’m scrapbooking. So once TV was out of the picture, I have lots of time to create. Plus it helps I have a husband that loves to cook and helps me out with cleaning.
Alice Boll:
Well, that is a good situation. So when you transitioned from all the rules to the freedom, was there something that helped that along? Was there a defining moment? Were you introduced to something new? Was there something that helped you make that shift or you were just like, “No, this has to be different. I need to do this different.”
Sandie Reverski:
Well, we moved cross country. So we moved from Maryland to California and I had more boxes of scrapbooking supplies than I think anything else in the house. And when we got to California, I was like, “I need to go through this stuff. There is just a lot of stuff in here.” And I was realizing I had a lot of stuff in my room that I didn’t even like. And I thought I had to buy it because that was the way you were supposed to scrapbook. I went to my husband and I was crying and I was like, “I wasted so much money. I bought all these supplies and I don’t even like them. I didn’t even like them when I bought them.” And he just gave me permission. He was like, “Sandie, then get rid of it and buy the stuff that you do like.” And I was like, “Yes. I just needed to hear that.” I knew in my mind that I could do that, but I just needed someone saying to me, “Do what makes you happy.”
Alice Boll:
Oh my gosh, that is literally the best advice. Do what makes you happy. And if something isn’t right for you, let it go, move on, move forward. Holding onto it is stressful. Right? It’s stressful. I’m so glad I asked you that question.
Alice Boll:
So let’s chat a little bit about your new business. What inspired you to start a scrapbooking company? What are you making? What are you doing? Tell us all the good stuff. What led you to this point?
Sandie Reverski:
Way back in the heyday of scrapbooking, when local scrapbooking stores were in abundance, I had actually written a business plan because I wanted to have my own scrapbooking store. I thought that that would be the most ultimate thing in my life, to have my own scrapbooking store and share my love of sharing memories and paper crafting and all that with other people. Well then, scrapbooking took a dive and I was like, “No, no, this is not going to happen.” But then I just kept doing my thing, I kept scrapbooking. And I was like, “What are the kind of things that I wish I had quick, easy access to?” And those things are things like stencils and acrylic words and shapes and wood veneer. Those are the kinds of things that I just think are the great little extras that you could use on your scrapbooking page. And I thought, “You know what? I can do this. I can make this happen.”
Sandie Reverski:
So I did a bunch of research. I wrote a whole new business plan. I got the support of my husband and my scrappy friends were all in. They were like, “Yes, Sandie, you can do this. We love your ideas.” I was like, “I hope so. Please don’t let this fail.” And so far it’s been great. There’s been a great reception, people like stencils, I feel like more and more people are getting into mixed media. So I’m just completely excited about it. People using stuff that you create, that’s just an ultimate thrill.
Alice Boll:
I totally understand. I custom designed one embellishment for one of our LOAD Challenge finisher’s prize. And I was just the proudest person ever to see people actually get excited about it and use it. So I can’t even imagine all of the things that you’re creating.
Alice Boll:
So tell us the name of your business. Where do people go to find you and yeah, just give us a little rundown of everything that you do have in the store.
Sandie Reverski:
It’s called Scrapping Reflections and you can find us www.scrappingreflections.com. Also, Scrapping Reflections on Instagram. So right now in the store, we have custom design stencils. We have acrylic shapes and words and wood veneer shapes and words. Right now in the store, there’s a Magical Memories Release, which is Disney themed. And then on Thursday will be our Fall Release. So that’s going to be all things like leaves and pumpkins and all those happy little things that make you feel cozy.
Alice Boll:
Oh my goodness. And so I looked on your site, everything is priced super good. How are you handling with all of the new things that you’ve had to learn along the way? Do you have some kind of fancy cutter? Tell us a little bit behind the scenes.
Sandie Reverski:
I do have a new fancy cutter. I have a laser machine, which is pretty exciting. I love being able to tell people, “Hey, I have a laser in my house,” and they’re either in disbelief or they’re like, “Are you crazy?” But it’s so fun. I’ve shared on Instagram stories, the laser actually cutting things out, and it’s just so satisfying to watch.
Alice Boll:
So you’re designing all of the products that you’re creating. So I’m assuming you are making pages and you’re like, “Oh geez, I really wish we had that.” And then somehow that ends up in the store. Is that the plan or do you sit down and create little collections?
Sandie Reverski:
I think about the stuff that I wish I could have on my scrapbook pages. So like the Magical Memories Collection with the Disney themed stuff, I’m like, “I need a Minnie bow.” So many bows went into the collection. I’m like, “We need more black Mickey heads.” So Mickey heads went into the collection. So basically, I’m creating what I want to scrapbook with. And it’s kind of like a fingers crossed that other people want to scrapbook with that stuff too.
Alice Boll:
Well, I think that there are a lot of commonalities. And as you fulfill your own dreams, you’re able to hook people up with the stuff that they’ve been looking for too, which is the perfect mesh of everything coming together.
Alice Boll:
So one thing that I really like people to come away from these sessions, from this podcast episodes is with some kind of prompt that they can sit down right now and make a page. Do you have a prompt that you’d like to share today?
Sandie Reverski:
Sure. As I was saying earlier, I’m big about scrapbooking every day, and one of the things I scrapbook a lot are screenshots on my phone. I feel like we’re just so connected to the people in our lives, via our phones. So my challenge is to take a screenshot from your phone and scrapbook it. It could be a text message. Say, you beat a high score in one of the games you’re addicted to or something fun that you just felt like you needed to screenshot. So go ahead and scrapbook that.
Alice Boll:
That is a brilliant idea. I love it so much. And one more thing. What is your best tip for creating a scrapbook page that you love?
Sandie Reverski:
My best tip is to use the products that you love. Don’t buy the stuff that’s on clearance just because it’s cheap. Don’t feel like you have to do something just because everybody online is doing it. If you love orange and blue, and that’s what makes you happy, then scrap with orange and blue. If you love metals on your page, do that. My biggest tip is just find the stuff that you love and then use it.
Alice Boll:
That is wonderful, wonderful advice, because I think we’ve all been there. We’ve all bought some of the wrong things and ended up with the wrong stuff. And then we just don’t use it. Or we buy the stuff that we really like, and we don’t use it because we’re hoarding it. And we’re like, “Well, we have to use up those others crappy stuff that we already bought.”
Sandie Reverski:
Exactly. And if you just buy the stuff you love, then you can use it all.
Alice Boll:
That’s such good advice. Well, thank you, Sandie. Let’s review just really quick, where can people find you online, so that they can go? And I will include everything in the show notes for this episode.
Sandie Reverski:
So you can find me on YouTube at Steak Goddess, and that’s the meat, not the vampire kind.
Alice Boll:
I love it.
Sandie Reverski:
And like I said, the store website is www.scrappingreflections.com. You can also find me on Instagram at Steak Goddess and Scrapping Reflections.
Alice Boll:
Perfect. That is wonderful. Well, I am so grateful that you came on here, that you shared that super fun prompt. I can’t wait to see what people come up with, using their screenshots. And hopefully they’re all going to make their page using products that they really love. And if you share your page on social media, be sure to use the hashtag ScrapHappierPodcast, so that we can find you.
Alice Boll:
Thank you so much for joining us today because I am so excited that we had the chance to get introduced to your business and learn a little bit about the people behind the cool new products that we are going to want to put on our scrapbook pages. So thank you so much.
Sandie Reverski:
Thanks for having me, Alice. This was so much fun.
Alice Boll:
You’ll find the show notes for this episode at ScrapHappy.org/episode11. You’ll also find links to the Scrapping Reflections shop and Sandie’s YouTube channel. As I mentioned, her YouTube channel is wonderful. She’s on the design teams for Brutus Monroe and Paper House Productions.
Alice Boll:
I hope that our discussion today will help you think about your own process of scrapbooking. Are you using the things that you truly love? And I hope that that tip will help you ScrapHappier. Happy scrapping.
Alice Boll:
Okay. I have my very first little outro that I have to share with you because it was just too funny and it just had us laughing so hard.
Sandie Reverski:
You can find my YouTube channel under the name Steak Goddess. That’s like the meat, not the vampire. And if you want to edit that out, that’s fine. But most people think I’m a vampire freak when I tell them that.
Alice Boll:
No, I think that’s hilarious. If you want to introduce that again, that’s totally good. I love it.