Happy February! The month where we are surrounded by hearts and flowers and of course love! It feels like a good time to remember why I love scrapbooking so much. It will sound completely cheesy but scrapbooking has changed my life so my love for it, well it’s safe to say it will last a very long time.

Nine years ago I created the above layout, I was becoming Scrapper on the Street, I was meeting new people, I would go on to travel to Boston and Texas all for the love of scrapbooking where I met like minded people who were there for me at a time when I was floundering. These women that I met through the Scraphappy group lifted me up throughout a divorce and pretty significant life changes, never judging, never turning their back on me so how could I not love a hobby that brought me these amazing people. And true our lives have changed and some I don’t talk to as often as I would like, some don’t even scrapbook anymore but we will forever be scrap sisters and a love like that just doesn’t end.

Scrapbooking has brought me these amazing friends, but has also given me a great way to document the times we spent together, to share adventures but to also get creative, try new things, I love the products we are introduced to and I love to look back and see the phases I went through as a scrapbooker – who remembers my addiction to wood veneers? And ink splatters, well they can still be found on most of my pages. It’s like an adult version of coloring and arts and crafts, how can you not love that? I love looking back through my old layouts to see what I’ve created, what stories I’ve told and what techniques I’ve tried. I like to see how my technique has changed over the years, it’s comforting like visiting a friend.

As if lifelong friendships, travel, and fun isn’t reason enough to love scrapbooking I have more! There is the chance to document stories that are not usually told, where else can I document the fact that I watched every Hallmark Christmas movie in 2020? There is also an endless amount to learn about scrapbooking and things to try, like the pocket page above I modeled after one Shimelle made during Journal Your Christmas. I never get tired of learning with prompts and classes.

Then can we talk about all the stuff you can buy in the name of scrapbooking! I mean there are the papers, and embellishments, inks, stamps, die cuts, it’s endless. These days I’m obsessed with my Cricut, to say I am falling in love with her is an understatement. I mean she cuts and draws and scores. I look for my Cricut to bring my scrapbooking to new heights!
This has been my really long winded way to say that I love scrapbooking for an endless amount of reasons the top five being:
- Lifelong friendships
- The chance to play and create and make a mess
- A space to tell stories that would normally be forgotten, now they get showcased
- Endless chances to learn and grow in the craft
- Supplies! Papers, inks, and tools
I’m so grateful for all the things scrapbooking has brought into my life and I am so honored and grateful that I get to share it with you.