Spring has sprung! The flowers are in full bloom, the days are growing longer and the weather is warming up! Exciting right? With everything else coming alive isn’t now a great time to let yourself bloom and come alive?
That might mean Spring cleaning, it might mean letting go of something that no longer serves you or it might mean saying hello to something new and exciting. I just came from a visit with my parents where I was helping my mom clean out her home and clean out some of my grandmother’s things as my mom gets ready for a new chapter and we threw things away. Throwing away things is hard but we are ever evolving right? Sometimes you just have to let things go to give yourself room to bloom.

I created the above layout with a photo I took while with my parents and likely my last time in Ohio (you can read more about that here.) Looking at my mom surrounded by flowers, looking so darn cute I’m reminded by all the lessons she has taught me in my life. The biggest is to constantly bloom, to live out loud and to be open to new beginnings, new possibilities and new adventures!
For this page I used new papers I received and tried new things for the title but also I allowed myself to be me with my splatters and my layers and clusters. This layout also reminds me that goodbyes don’t always have to be sad and new beginnings are so exciting.

So this Spring how can we let ourselves bloom? How can we allow ourselves to grown in our craft? Here are some of the things I’m doing to give myself space to grow this Spring.
- Let go – I don’t know about you but I don’t scrapbook the same as I did when I started twenty years ago so for the first time I’m allowing myself to throw away or give away products that no longer fit my current style. By letting go you are giving yourself space to grow!
- Play – We all have a certain style right? You can often time scroll past a layout and know who created it but that doesn’t mean you can’t play with different techniques, different styles. You can play with paints and markers and lettering and maybe you will hate doing these things OR maybe you will love it and suddenly you are blooming in a new way!
- Document something sad – this is tough right? A lot of our scrapbooks are filled with holidays and vacations but sometimes we need to document something hard and sad. We don’t have to share this with anyone but it’s therapeutic, put it on paper, write it out and then turn the page. Getting this out gives you the space to move on. Please note move on doesn’t mean forget, just allowing yourself to acknowledge and grow toward the good times.
I hope you will join me as I bloom this spring, I want to hear what you are doing to grow towards the light. It’s been a crazy time but we totally have this! See you next month and know I’m always around if you need some help blooming!