To Purge or not to Purge?
My original thoughts for this post was to speak to the many purge/decluttering videos floating around. I’m always on board for solutions to the chaos that inevitably ensues when I create. The first couple of weeks are full speed ahead but eventually discouragement sets in as I sit in the middle of a huge mess. My biggest problem is putting things away after I’ve use them. Supplies pile up on my desk and on the floor ( my second desk), any clear surface is another spot to drop my “stuff”.
Enter Cas and her Clutterbug quiz ( thank you Alice!). Lo and behold I’m a Ladybug, I love visual simplicity, most items hidden out of sight. Fast and easy systems like bins and baskets are a ladybug’s go to solutions. Micro-organizing is a big No for my type of personality. A bell went off in my head, I didn’t put things away because my storage solutions were too particular. Adhesives use to be housed by brand, type, size etc., I could not be bothered putting the glue away cause my storage was too fussy. Enter my large 12 x12 bin with no cover, all the adhesive are dropped in the basket and slid back on a shelf.

My embellishments were also way too micro-organized right down to color categories for hearts, arrows etc. My nightmare was putting away pink hearts in their own little spot, green arrows somewhere else, you get the picture. Small wonder I never put anything away! All things pink now reside in a large envelope or adhered in a binder. I also sort into four seasonal categories winter, spring, summer and fall. Holiday supplies go into the season they are celebrated.

The photo above shows the lengths I went to with my super-organizing. I had about ten of these all meticulously labelled, they rarely got opened to retrieve items or put them away. They have all gone to a good home.