Episode 2: Why Do You Scrapbook?

Alice Boll
Alice Boll
One question that doesn’t get asked enough in the world of scrapbooking is, “Why do you scrapbook?” This isn’t a trick question, and there isn’t just one answer. Answers can be as diverse as scrapbookers themselves. Most responses fall into one of 3 categories:
  • A. To preserve photos.
  • B. Artistic pursuit.
  • C. Storytelling and family history/legacy.
Actually… many scrapbookers have an answer that reflects all three! (Pick D… all of the above!) 5 scrapbookers from the ScrapHappy membership shared their scrapbook ‘why’ with us. Thank you so much Heather DuBarry, Libby Wiers, Tina Campbell, Wynell Keel and Misty Murphy. No matter what your why is, I hope you’ll consider it. It may help put you on the path to creating the scrapbooks you’ve always wanted.


Create a layout about something that helps you find the positives in your life.


Ask yourself, “Why do I scrapbook?”

Layouts Shared:


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