Show Notes
If the layouts in your albums feel disjointed and separate, as if there is no flow between the pages, you can curate them into a story that adds meaning to your album with a few small changes.
Layouts that are created independently may not lead to the next story.
Of course, not all layouts will connect, but with careful curation and a few intentional choices the album can tell a story that feels complete.
Follow these simple steps to get started.
Step 1: Categorize Your Layouts
Start by categorizing your layouts. When you group layouts within themes you’re already heading in the right direction.
Alice uses these categories:
- Alice, Jonas (husband), Joe (son), Ryan (son) -each family member has their own album for personal stories
- Alice’s Childhood
- Us (family and extended family, these get separated by years)
- Friends
- Scrapbooking (layouts of events and friends)
- Travel (separated by destination, these are for the smaller trips that don’t need a full album)
- Hawaii (Alice’s favourite place! )
- Disney
- Halloween
- Christmas
She’ll also be adding a Heritage album!
Step 2: Develop the Story
Go through your albums with a family member or friend. You may wish to record this!
As you chat about the album mark down any stories that are not included in your layouts. Some stories may need a new layout and some will just need a story.
Your goal is to find out what stories are missing. You’ll also have the chance to include other perspectives you may have missed the first time.
As you explore the layouts in the album you’ll develop the story OF the album.
Additional journaling that is needed can be added onto small note cards and inserted between the layouts.
Even a few small notes can help show the links between the individual stories of your layouts.
This is where you make inferences and connect the dots between the layouts to tell the bigger story.
Alice's Favourite Albums
Alice loves the We R Memory Keepers 12×12 Ring albums.
She has them in a rainbow of colours including Aqua, like this one.
Aqua – 12 x 12 Ring Album – WRMK – We R Memory Keepers – Albums – Ring : A Cherry On Top
Alice also loves page protectors from Close to My Heart.
*LINKS are affiliate links. Thank you for your support if you choose to use it!
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