Alice shares insights and an excerpt from Teresa Collins’ keynote speech for the ScrapSmarter Experience in January 2022.
Scrapbook a page about about a random memory of the past that didn’t really have an album, but would fit perfectly into an A-Z album.
ScrapSmarter Experience Replay Bundle: Click here for more information!

What memory do you have that would be perfect for an A-Z album… share one!
Tell Alice about it! Click the Start Recording button and leave a voice recording… it only takes a moment!
ScrapSmarter Experience 2022-1
LOAD222: I’ll Be There For You. This LOAD, layout a day challenge is inspired by the TV show: Friends and takes place February 1-28, 2022.
Sign up at ScrapHappy.org/load before January 31, and use code: MONICA19 to save $19
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