ScrapSmarter April 2021: Amy Myers: Love Your Layers

Alice Boll
Alice Boll

Class: Love Your Layers 

Let’s solve the layering dilemma once and for all! Amy Myers from One Mommy Scrapping shares her best tips to help you create layers you love!

Meet our Instructor: Amy Myers

Amy has been scrapbooking since 1999, and just like the rest of us she looks back at some of those early pages with a bit of a cringe. 
Amy likes to play with different kinds of scrapbooking embellishments and mixed media but she’s especially fond of Nuvo drops… and she has their entire collection. 

When Amy’s not creating and sharing scrapbooking projects she’s working as a teacher… or possibly spending time with her daughter and her husband. 
Be sure to find Amy online so you can see all of the cool things she’s doing as she work on her dream to “build her brand” and share her scrapbooking expertise online. 

Find Amy online:

Video Replay with Q&A:

Love Your Layers:

Connect with Alice online!

Instagram: @aliceboll

YouTube: ScrapHappy

Facebook: ScrapHappy

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