Inspiration – Literal to Interpreted


When I heard that February’s unexpected inspiration was games, I laughed. See that picture below? That is just a portion of the game catalog at my house. My husband’s main hobby for the last 30+ years has been games–specifically what are called EuroGames (think Settler’s of Catan as opposed to Monopoly.)

game shelf

Layout One

Needless to say, I had plenty of inspiration to work from. The hard part was choosing just a few since so many ideas sprang to mind. The first one I chose was Patchwork. I wanted to just replicate a good portion of this box as it makes for great trending design and great use of scraps!

The game Patchwork

However, I knew doing a full background would be too time consuming. I narrowed it down to covering just a portion of my background with a  patchwork pattern. I added physical stitching as well to enhance the effect. In the end the quilted look didn’t need too much extra embellishment so I saved time on that task. That means this layout didn’t take me any longer than my usual layouts do, yet I have a special design. Fun!

A scrapbook layout

Layout Two

Next up I wanted to take a game box and do a more interpreted layout so that you can see different ways inspiration can go. For the game below, called Armada, I was inspired by many things. The first place I wanted to go was to create stripes of color–like on the spaceship–across the diagonal of my page. Yet that felt too literal again. I paused there and thought about how else I could interpret the image.

Then it popped out at me that the graphic is very geometric. With circles, rectangles and lots of straight lines, this layout was perfect for using geometric shapes as a base for my photos.

A game box

You can see my layout below. Does this layout look like the box cover? Not really. Yet if you look at the page you can start to see the elements show up. Can you pick out all the shapes I used on this layout? From circles to rectangles and even to a large triangle, I let the geometric shapes ground everything about this layout.

A scrapbook layout


So, that is my take on this inspiration, going from a mimicked look to a much more interpreted method. If you are a ScrapHappy member you can see what else members are sharing over in the Circle gallery. I know I’ve already seen a few that have inspired me to create more pages!

Until March, have fun playing!

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